How To Order/Payment
Newfound Applique has a built in cart checkout system. Simply click on the design you want and the site will bring you to a checkout page. You will have to create an account or checkout as a guest. Once this is completed you can checkout.
Payments are made via our secure PayPal checkout system or credit card. All designs are sold in US dollars and coverted based on exchange rate of a particular country. Once payment has been received the site will send an email to the email address you provide in your account or guest setup. That email will contain the download links for each item you purchased. Make sure your email spam or other security features will not block our email. The best way to do that is add to your email contacts. If we can't send you an email we can't deliver your designs. If for some reason you do not receive your designs please email me at
All customer information is maintained highly secure via our BigCommerce web host. Credit card information is handled by PayPal directly, for extra personal security Newfound Applique does not and will not handle your credit card information.
Payment Instructions